23 research outputs found

    Modelling Agents Cooperation Through Internal Visions of Social Network and Episodic Memory

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    Human societies appear in many types of simulations. Particularly, a lot of new computer games contain a virtual world that imitates the real world. A few of the most important and the most difficult society elements to be modelled are the social context and individuals cooperation. In this paper we show how the social context and cooperation ability can be provided using agents that are equipped with internal visions of mutual social relations. Internal vision is a representation of social relations from the agent's point of view so, due to being subjective, it may be inconsistent with the reality. We introduce the agent model and the mechanism of rebuilding the agent's internal vision that is similar to that used by humans. An experimental proof of concept implementation is also presented

    Identification of Group Changes in Blogosphere

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    The paper addresses a problem of change identification in social group evolution. A new SGCI method for discovering of stable groups was proposed and compared with existing GED method. The experimental studies on a Polish blogosphere service revealed that both methods are able to identify similar evolution events even though both use different concepts. Some differences were demonstrated as wellComment: The 2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 1233-123

    Predicting Community Evolution in Social Networks

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    Nowadays, sustained development of different social media can be observed worldwide. One of the relevant research domains intensively explored recently is analysis of social communities existing in social media as well as prediction of their future evolution taking into account collected historical evolution chains. These evolution chains proposed in the paper contain group states in the previous time frames and its historical transitions that were identified using one out of two methods: Stable Group Changes Identification (SGCI) and Group Evolution Discovery (GED). Based on the observed evolution chains of various length, structural network features are extracted, validated and selected as well as used to learn classification models. The experimental studies were performed on three real datasets with different profile: DBLP, Facebook and Polish blogosphere. The process of group prediction was analysed with respect to different classifiers as well as various descriptive feature sets extracted from evolution chains of different length. The results revealed that, in general, the longer evolution chains the better predictive abilities of the classification models. However, chains of length 3 to 7 enabled the GED-based method to almost reach its maximum possible prediction quality. For SGCI, this value was at the level of 3 to 5 last periods.Comment: Entropy 2015, 17, 1-x manuscripts; doi:10.3390/e170x000x 46 page


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    This article describes a proposition of knowledge organization for the purpose of reasoningusing an upper-ontology. It presents a model of integrated ontologies architecture whichconsists of a domain ontologies layer with instances, a shared upper-ontology layer withadditional rules and a layer of ontologies mapping concrete domain ontologies with the upperontology.Thanks to the upper-ontology, new facts were concluded from domain ontologiesduring the reasoning process. A practical realization proposition is given as well. It is basedon some popular SemanticWeb technologies and tools, such as OWL, SWRL, nRQL, Prot麓eg麓eand Racer

    Multi-Agent Environment for Modelling and Solving Dynamic Transport Problems

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    The transport requirements in modern society are becoming more and more important. Thus, offered transport services need to be more and more advanced and better designed to meet users demands. Important cost factors of many goods are transport costs. Therefore, a reduction of costs, a better adjustment of strategies to the demand as well as a better planning and scheduling of available resources are important for the transport companies. This paper is aimed at modelling and simulation of transport systems, involving a dynamic Pickup and Delivery problem with Time Windows and capacity constraints (PDPTW). PDPTW is defined by a set of transport requests which should be performed while minimising costs expressed by the number of vehicles, total distance and total travel time. Each request is described by two locations: pickup and delivery, periods of time when the operations of pickup or delivery can be performed and a load to be transported. The nature of this problem, its distribution and the possibility of using a lot of autonomous planning modules, lead us to use a multi-agent approach. Our approach allows the modeling of entities which do not appear in the classical PDPTW such as company organisation, communication among vehicles, interactions between vehicles and company dispatcher or different strategies of requests acceptation by different vehicles. This paper presents also a software environment and experimentations to validate the proposed approach

    Identyfikacja wzorc贸w w ruchu drogowym metod膮 cz臋stych sekwencji

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliogr. s. 270.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.STRESZCZENIE: Artyku艂 dotyczy analizy wzorc贸w danych dotycz膮cych stanu ruchu pojazd贸w. W szczeg贸lno艣ci skupiono si臋 na analizie cz臋stych sekwencji. Analizowane dane zosta艂y pozyskane w oparciu o wieloagentowy symulator do modelowania i optymalizacji ruchu drogowego. S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: ruch drogowy, wzorce, cz臋ste sekwencje. ABSTRACT: The paper concerns the analysis of data about road traffic. We are focusing our analysis on the frequent sequences. The analysed data was obtained using multi-agent simulator for modelling and optimisation of road traffic. KEYWORDS: road traffic, patterns, frequent sequences

    Rozwi膮zywanie problem贸w transportowych za pomoc膮 agent贸w

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliogr. s. 390.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.STRESZCZENIE: W artykule jest przedstawiony system do rozwi膮zywania problem贸w transportowych, oparty na koncepcji holon贸w. W prezentowanym systemie, skupiono si臋 na mo偶liwo艣ci por贸wnania jako艣ci rozwi膮za艅 dostarczanych przez system z rozwi膮zaniami oferowanymi przez klasyczne algorytmy, dla powszechnie stosowanego zbioru problem贸w testowych. Problemy te zosta艂y zmodyfikowane w celu uwzgl臋dnienia podstawowych mo偶liwo艣ci jakie daje wykorzystanie podej艣cia holonicznego. S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: problemy transportowe, systemy agentowe, PDPTW, holony. ABSTRACT: In the paper, the system based on the concept of holons, which solves transportation problems has been presented. The proposed system has enabled to compare the quality of solutions offered by classic algorithms for widely known and applied test problems. These problems have been modified to take into consideration potential crisis situations as well as possibilities given by the use of holonic approach. KEYWORDS: transportation problems, multi-agent systems, PDPTW, holons